
 Posted by Donguk Lee on April 3, 2012
Apr 032012


What is the border line between volunteerism and tourism indisaster affected area?


Visiting Minami-Sanriku gave me a great impression in terms of good energy of local people. People that I met during the trip look very lively and energetic. And substantial volunteerism from all over the world looked positive and helpful for the community.

However, I also sensed a fine line between volunteers and local people. Since there is a strong difference between these two, due to the cultural differences, act of volunteer could be acted as intrusion. There is a necessity of transparency of actions to make volunteerism to be remained in a positive level.

The paper is about the architectural transparency which aims to intervene in the consistently celebrated building. It could give a good inspiration for us to think about certain transparency in the consistently visited area for an opposite meaning.

How much transparency should act of volunteerism maintain in disaster affected area?